Author: Halfvares Mats, Teknikhuset AB.

Published: 2009-09-19

Applies to:
  • Content Studio ver. 5.2 with custom event actions handlers

Type: Information

More information

Starting with version 5.2 the Event actions interfaces are no longer defined in the main CSServer5 assembly. It has been moved to a new assembly, CS5Interfaces, in order to address a version compatibility problem that occured when upgrading Content Studio. If a customer had a custom Event Actions eventhandler this event handler is compoled against a specific version of CSServer5. After an upgrade the version of this assembly changes and the eventhandler must be recompiled and reinstalled. By moving out the needed interfaces to a separate assembly which do not change between upgrades this problem will be much less. However if the custom event handler itself references the CSServer5 assembly the problem will still occur.

Any existing custom Event Actions event handler must now reference CS5Interfaces. For every Async event handler the signature the EventHandler method of the ICSAsyncEventHandler interface methods must be changed according to the table below. The values of the csEvent parameter has now the numerical value of the ContentStudioEvents enumeration.

Changed interfaces

Interface Old signature New signature
void EventHandler(ContentStudioEvents csEvent,
	         int connectionId,
	         string eventXMLArguments,
	         string customData,
	         ICSCredentialsContainer credentials,
	         int timeOut,
	         out string statusText);
Sub EventHandler(ByVal csEvent As ContentStudioEvents,
	        ByVal connectionId As Integer,
	        ByVal eventXMLArguments As String,
	        ByVal customData As String,
	        ByVal credentials As ICSCredentialsContainer,
	        ByVal timeOut As Integer,
	        <OutAttribute>ByRef statusText As String)
void EventHandler(int csEvent,
	         int connectionId,
	         string eventXMLArguments,
	         string customData,
	         ICSCredentialsContainer credentials,
	         int timeOut,
	         out string statusText);
Sub EventHandler(ByVal csEvent As Integer,
	        ByVal connectionId As Integer,
	        ByVal eventXMLArguments As String,
	        ByVal customData As String,
	        ByVal credentials As ICSCredentialsContainer,
	        ByVal timeOut As Integer,
	        <OutAttribute>ByRef statusText As String)